
Friday, March 23, 2012

St. Patty's Day

We had a really hard time finding fun and awesome things for St. Patrick's Day.  I expected the stores to carry little leprechaun men and gold coin candy.  They didn't!  I was heart broken when I finally came to the realization that I was going to have to scrabble to make this year a fun year.  Since the day fell on a Saturday, the fun at school the boys had experienced had to be done at home! 

We upcycled boxes and used construction paper, stickers and twigs to make their leprechaun traps.  Here are the finished products!

Since I could not find the leprechaun toys and gold candy, I had to step outside the box for their treats and to reward their hard work on the traps.  Here's what we did!

They got green water bottles, green pringles, a large box of Lucky Charms, green gum, green sprite and pot of green m&ms and gold bar candy.  Check it out!
They also got a letter from the Leprechaun CIA informing them that the leprechaun's they caught were rescued and sent home to their families.  This was all left by the CIA.  Here is a close up on the pots.  They are 69 cent flower pots from Micheal's that I painted inside and out black.
The chocolate bar candy is really Rolos.  I was going to get individually wrapped ones but apparently, everyone had that idea and the shelving in that area was bare!  I hope everyone had a good St. Patrick's Day weekend!  Next year I am going to be more proactive in preparing for the day, might even have a party and set up some decor!

Easter posts will start soon as I have a TON of ideas for easter!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Frame Key Holder!

When updating and organizing my tiny entry way, I wanted to have place for the keys that I seem to misplace on a regular basis.  I took an old, black picture frame I had laying around the house and painted to match the sign that is pictured above it.  In a picture hanging kit I bought back when I first moved in, I found hooks that I knew would be perfect for this project.  I employed the fiance to drill me holes in the frame so that I could screw in the hooks.  Once that was done, I "sealed" an clear spray so that the paint wouldn't chip.  Everything I used in this tiny project, I already, which makes me one happy girl!

House of Rose