
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May in Pregnancy Awareness Month!

In honor of the special time between mother and child; one the Midwest Moma Readers submitted a post in regards to pregnancy!  Here is what she has put together.  If you want to find more of her, check out her blog or visit the "Guest Writer's" Tab!  Enjoy!

Preparing Mom & Home for a Healthy Baby

 The arrival of a new baby is a wondrous event, but a lot of preparation is needed for an expectant mother to be ready for her new bundle of joy. Preparations for the new baby encompass considerations for the mother’s physical health, the birthing process, and home accommodations. Here are some details around

The Mother’s Physical Health

Once a pregnancy is confirmed, an expectant mother will have to select her obstetrician-gynecologist (OB/GYN) or other birthing provider, if she hasn’t done so already. Proper maternal care helps to ensure the health of new born infants and can include periodic ultrasounds and monitoring the mother's physical condition. In many cases, OB/GYNs operate as a part of a larger practice, and it is important that the expectant mother meet and feel comfortable with all physicians in the office. Because the timing of the event is often not entirely known, any one of these physicians can be on hospital duty during the birth. It is important that the mother and the attending physician be on the same page with regards to the method of delivery and any specific concerns of the mother.

  Preparing for Delivery Day

Every birth experience is different, so it is best for the expectant mother to be prepared for any situation. It is often useful, especially for first time mothers, to attend a birthing class a few months before the due date of the baby. The class will teach her the different phases of child birth, signs to look for during each phase, and what to do each step of the way.

Arrangements should be made for transportation to the hospital, and a travel bag with the appropriated necessities packed. Things to pack include clothing, toiletries, infant diapers, blankets, formula, if you intend to bottle-feed, and even a camera to capture the baby's earliest moments. 

Other things to consider beforehand are the optional procedures available to newborns. One option is cord blood banking. The blood contained in the baby's umbilical cord contains stems cells which can potentially be used in a stem cell treatment down the road for the baby (possibly a sibling), should the need arise.  . Another option for mothers expecting a male is circumcision. Speak to your doctor about the benefits and procedures involved in these options.

Home Accommodations

The home must also be readied for baby’s arrival. There should be a crib or bassinet for the baby to use, clean comfortable bedding, blankets, and safety features such as bumper guards. There should be no stuffed animals or items that could pose a suffocation risk in the crib As the baby grows older and becomes increasingly aware of her surroundings you may few toys The baby’s layette should include at least a week’s supply of pajamas, towels, onsies bibs, socks, shirts, and diapers.  Based on the method of feeding the mother should also have on hand the necessary paraphernalia, such as bottles, nursing bras, breast pump, and cleaning or disinfecting supplies.  

One of the most important items to have is a federally approved, rear-facing infant car seat. It must be installed in the car before leaving the hospital, or the medical personnel will not allow the mother and infant to leave the hospital.

A new baby takes a lot of care, and taking steps ahead of her arrival will prepare mothers to take on this awesome responsibility.

 "This article was written by Katie Moore. Katie is an active writer within the blogging community who discusses maternity, motherhood, prenatal health, childbirth and other topics within this niche.  If you have any questions or would like to connect with Katie please contact by visiting her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter @moorekm26."