
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Independent Girl Scouting!

Due to schedule conflicts with the sports my daughter chooses to participate in, Girl Scouting with our local troop was impossible a year ago.  After listening to her crys to be a Girl Scout like her momma, I did as much research as needed to learn that we could march through the Girl Scout program independent of a troop!  In March 2015, we bought the books and uniform and got to work!

As of today she has earned all but one of her petals and has started her first journey for Girl Scout Daisys!  I have decided to document the work she does with her journeys and hopefully, another mom and daughter couple who have conflicting schedules can see that being a Girl Scout independently is completely possible!

I have found a great network of troop leaders, service unit members and fellow GS moms to work with as my daughter moves through the projects and stories.

Here is my Pinterest board for resources such as award letters, lesson plans, craft ideas, etc.

Tonight, my daughter and I start the first Journey of her 2nd Year of Daisy Girl Scouts.  She chose to start with "It's Your Story-Tell It! 5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals!"  We have coupled with a 2nd year Daisy Troop and are going on a field trip to our local zoo this weekend.  If you choose to do Girl Scouts Independently with your daughter, I highly suggest purchasing the leader companion book for the journeys!  They line out EVERYTHING in sample lesson plans.  This makes planning projects, crafts, etc sooooo much easier!

I will try to post once a week on Girl Scouting with the projects we do so that you can have these ideas and steps for reference!  A lot of the projects we are going to do are not just for Girl Scouts and you are welcome to apply these to whatever adventure you and your child are on :D

~Happy Scouting!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I turned 30!

Yesterday I turned 30.  Leading up to that, I was in serious winter depression.  Nothing dangerous....but I was NOT in the mood to craft, blog, write, etc.

I am over it!  My oldest son is getting ready to running track, baseball/softball season is getting ready to start, I am getting my Girl Scout Cookies today, I am GOOD!

With that, I want to share a little of what I have gotten accomplished since I posted last November.

I made Valentines for kids' classrooms.  It's a little late to share those, but I will blog about them early next year!

I have been trying to grow my bling apparel business.  If you are interested in the things that I do with that, check out my Facebook Page!!  I currently have my bling featured in the local screen printing shop and that is super exciting!  If you happen to own a boutique or apparel store and would to have bling apparel featured in your store as well, shoot me an email @ {}!!

I stopped selling almost ALL of my direct sales businesses.  Pikle, which is still my favorite, raised their prices to a point that I could no longer make the sale.  Hopefully, one day that will change and I can pick that back up!  Currently, I still provide Younique Products to my local friends and family.  If you are interested in learning more, click the link or send me an email!

I am very excited about St. Patrick's Day this year!  The kids actually have school on this day and I have so many ideas!!!  They will be my first craft posts after this one :D

I re-vamped my craft space and am still un-packing things.  I will be sharing what I find useful on Pinterest and do!

This 31st year of mine is going to be so much more fun then last year!

I appreciate my readers and those that still come to my page to get inspired!  Things are going to get better and if you EVER have ideas or want me to do something, PLEASE send me an email!!

Thanks so much,
Love the newly 30 something~ Brandie