
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

String of Ornaments my quest to dress up my mantle this year....I found a string of ornaments craft on Pinterest (where else...I know!).  I thought to myself "oh this would be neat to have hanging from the mantle behind the stockings" and so I set off to gather supplies for it.  I bought three tubes of 24 count ornaments, two of which were smaller than the other.  As I began to string them onto ribbon, I quickly realized that this was NOT going to be enough for the look I wanted.  I returned to Pottery Barn, where I bought one of the tubes and found absolutely NOTHING left!  That place has been completely picked clean!  I returned home, broken hearted and a little uneasy about my mis-fortune concerning the craft.  I expressed my distress with my fiance and his brilliant ass came up with an idea to take the ornaments I had and do with them what I want.  Instead of hanging them from the mantle itself, he suggested we hang it from the ceiling....BRILLIANT! Here are photos of the process and the finished product!


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