
Friday, January 25, 2013

Breakfast Jammer Sticks!

I found a breakfast version of my Jammer Sticks and tried them out on my family tonight!  They were huge hit! (No Big Surprise there!)

Here's how to put them together!

Cook breakfast sausage and scrambled eggs like you would for a regular breakfast meal.  Cut the sausage link in half and place it on an un-rolled crescent roll.  Then, spoon about a tablespoon of scrambled eggs on top or beside the halved sausage link.

Roll up the crescent roll and bake as directed on the crescent roll container.  We served ours with a side of bacon and hash browns and dipped the jammer sticks in salsa!  The kids loved them and the meal was super filling!  This was our dinner tonight but you can of course eat for breakfast!



  1. I'm making these for breakfast this morning. Thanks for the recipe. :) Ijust joined your site through google plus. I'd love for you to visit my site
    Have a good day,

    1. Thanks Deanna! I will for join your blog! I love meeting new bloggers...makes this endeavor feel less lonely ;)

      <3 Brandie
