
Monday, January 14, 2013

Homemade Flags...for the Game!

The intention of our birthday party was to have a flag football game....but we got some unexpected snow fall and chilly the game itself only lasted about 20 minutes...then they all came out and pulled out the games we had from last year's party....which will also be shared :)) 

However, in preperation for the game...I commissioned my mother to make penalty know...those yellow things the refs have hanging out of their pockets....and used every 13 seconds in the games this past weekend? Yeah! Those!

Anyway....she got a genious idea for them....and dug out an old yellow t-shirt she had tucked away....she's really big into re-purposing old cloths (there will be more on this later!).  She purchased two bouncy balls at Party City...for steal at $0.22 total...with taxes!  She took the bouncy ball and wrapped the center of a piece of cut up t-shirt it....she tied it down with a twisty tie thing from a loaf of bread....of where ever those come from ;)

Here is the finished product!  The kids thought they were pretty cool and played with them all afternoon...calling penalties on each other left and right (true NFL refs in the making!)!

Thanks Momma!!!


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