
Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year's from Brandie's Moma

New Years—time for RESOLUTIONS.  To me, that word just screams NO!!!!!  We know all too well that most resolutions are broken—months, weeks, even days after the new year starts.  I bet most of us just make up a resolution (with good intentions I’m sure)…it's like a tradition.  The problem is that we don’t make the “CHOICE” to actually see the resolutions through.  This year I said I WILL MAKE NO RESOLUTIONS..I WILL MAKE CHOICES. What’s the difference?  Let me explain.  For example:  your “resolution” is to lose weight.  Ok…great…BUT…you have lots of “choices” to make to see that resolution through.  Do you want to lose a specific amount of weight?  How about a specific time frame?  How will you go about losing the weight---choices---diet plan? Use a diet aid/supplement?  Attend a gym or get active like running?  Wanna get organized?  Good resolution---but you have to make choices.  Where do you start?   Will you donate the stuff you don’t want or have a garage sale in the spring?    If you don’t make these “choices” or have a “plan” to reach your goal; you will fail before you ever had a chance to get started.  Other things are simpler—listening to more uplifting music.  Great resolution—however, I had to make the “choice” to actually change the radio stations keys in my car and at work---and choose NOT to change the stations back to the old stations. 
If we call the changes we want to make “CHOICES” we feel more apt to follow through with them and make them more realistic…we feel more in control of the actions it will take to follow through and, therefore, we can personalize them.
Just rethinking the words we use can make a huge impact on how we see ourselves and our life.  I hope you join me in making new CHOICES in your new year and kiss those broken resolution good bye!
Let us know what choices you are making for the new year and what you will choose to do to see it through.
Happy New Year,
Brandie’s Moma

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