
Monday, January 14, 2013

Numbered Centerpieces!

A little over year ago...when I was planning my last birthday for kiddo number 2...I stole (with permission) an idea from a friend of mine.  She took a paper mache number she bought at Hobby Lobby and painted it to match the decor of her son's birthday.  It is a brilliant idea and I have used them with every birthday since!  It makes a great centerpiece!  Because my middle son has chosen the same theme two years in a row....I had two painting ideas and now have them both!  The number 9 was this year's number (ugh)....

I painted it to look like a football field

Here are the numbers I did for the boys last daughter has a "3" but could not find hers...go figure!

The "8" is from the football birthday last year...for the same kid...the "7" is from my youngest son's angry birds themed birthday last June and the "10" is from my oldest son's Hunger Games birthday last April.

I have seriously thought about getting these on Etsy...but I am not sure how that would go....I have a slight problem with putting myself out there in that aspect.

Regardless...I use acrylic paint that I stock up on at Micheal's (typically on their 3/$1.00 sale a few times a year).  The numbers run about $2.50 at Hobby Lobby....I always use a 40% off coupon when I get these.


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