
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Planning a Vacation on a Budget!

My kids haven't been on a vacation in years.  We had every intention to go to St. Louis last summer and go camping....but neither thing actually happened. this year IS going to be different!  During March, we will set aside a date for both trips and "open" a savings jar for them.  Our pocket change will begin to be divided between these two jar accounts and when the dates come, the amount of out of pocket expenses will be reduced by these savings jars. 

I think it is vitally important to consider a vacation, even a stay-cation with your kids as often as you can.  It creates memories that can never be replaced....and missing out on those moments just shouldn't be accepted!

Places like Groupon and Living Social (See "Must See Websites" tab above for links) are great ways to make a trip that seems out of reach more attainable. 

The kids and I will making a craft of the "savings" accounts and when they are done, I will be sure to post on it!  If you live with driving distance (less than 8 hours) from St. Louis.....consider it! There are sssoooo many free activities that you only have to pay to park to go to (Science Center, Grant's Farm, St. Louis Zoo).  These places are awesome because you don't have to pay per person and the cost to go is the same no matter what your party size is!  It is a cheap, fun and different get a way.  When I was growing up, we went every summer (my mother grew up there and still has family there).  There was always something new to explore every time we went!

Let me know what vacations you have planned and how you plan to pay for them/save for them!


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