
Friday, January 18, 2013

Switching from Comcast to ATT U-Verse!

Today is a big day in this house!  We have been hostage Comcast customers forever! (well...ever since we moved to the area with no other choice).  We have had outrageous billing months and some months that were more than okay in price....however, we have NEVER, EVER had the low bill we are suppose to have before OnDemand movies were considered.....we have looked into satellite companies....but I certainly wasn't going to deal with not have my AMC...The Walking Dead show is a part of this family, I will not do without it!  A little over a year ago...we looked into ATT U-verse...but the deposit they wanted for our lack of amazing credit was insulting to say the least!  In our current fight with Comcast...we had been looking for a way out....we've charged for services that are suppose to be included and over charged for a movie we ordered....I even had a rep (the guy who set us up) threaten to have my service messed with if I did not refrain from doing something he didn't want me to do (we know the guy personally....unfortunately).  Comcast offered no remedy and basically called me an idiot!  UGH!  I hate bad customer service!!!! 

Prayers were answered yesterday when to our luck and ATT door to door salesman came a-knocking!  I can explain how excited I am to say that this woman was our saving grace in our TV and internet problems.  Not only did she get us set-up with ATT U-Verse with NO deposit or up front cost....she has us getting switched over TODAY!!!!  Our regular bill will be a tad more than Comcast...but we have never paid that low of a bill anyway!  And....we are getting WAY more channels and movie options!  My internet will be fast and the kids will actually have a phone to use for calling!  To say I am the understatement of the year!!

I have some things I am working on for this afternoon!  I have made some progress with my home notebook and will be posting that for you are...AND I learned how to re-sticky my cricut mat...which is amazing and I will be sharing that as well this afternoon!

Blog at ya later!!


  1. Hello there!

    I work for Comcast. If there is anything that I can do to change your mind, please let me know. If your interested in my help, please feel free to contact me.

    Mark Casem
    Comcast Corp.
    National Customer Operations

  2. As much as I appreciate your offer for help, I do believe that it is too late for my relationship with Comcast. This afternoon, when my making my appointment to have Comcast equipment picked up, I was pretty much told I was an idiot for expecting Comcast to hold their employees accountable for threats. I was also called a liar when I informed the supervisor in which I spoke to that I had not received a bill since November (this was third time in two years I went months without a bill)...not even a shut off notice....and according to my records I was set for shut off today! It's a shame that not everyone cares about Customer Service...or that Comcast hasn't taken care to properly train their employees in it. I am truly looking forward to ATT U-Verse and am simply sad that I never received the promises made to me by Comcast. Had I been getting what I was promised....I would have turned the ATT salesman away at my door!

    Hope you have a blessed day!

  3. We have uverse and it is a bit more expensive but I have found it is totally worth it!!
