
Monday, January 14, 2013

Teacher's Gifts-2012 Christmas!

My boys had intended on giving their teacher's their Christmas gifts on the last day of school before Winter Break.  But....we had our first snow of the school year that day!  So...on the first day back from break, they took them in!  I love putting together teacher gifts....I try really hard to think outside the box.  I even let the kids help choose what we give.  I also get the same thing....but different colors.  Here are some pics of what the boys and I put together!  The teacher's loved them and one (my oldest son's teacher) told him it was his favorite gift!!!

Here's the photos!  I wish I could have posted these before hand...but it is a surprise and I don't want the teachers to see (I can only dream that they come here!).

I covered the bottom of the box with chocolate candy.  I chose non peanut butter candy so that they could be opened in the classrooms with peanut allergies.

 These are my favorite piece!  I found these on accident at Walmart...and I fell in love!  I was able to find three...but one of them is a gold tone. 

 I then put a wooden back massager, mini pedi kit, a bottle of finger nail polish (Christmas red), a bottle of polish remover, and a coffee cup (for hot coca) in there.

I topped it off with a "treat" bag filled with hot coca mix, a candy cane and marshmallows to accompany the mug.  The boys were very excited to give these to their teachers!  I also included a little note in light of the CT tragidy....letting the teachers know how much I appreciated them and how lucky I felt to have them in my kids' lives!  They help me do my job in raising them, so this was very important to me.  My teachers also help me deal with personal issues my boys are having....I could never express how appreciative of that I am.

There is tons more to I intend on gifting to my teachers for Valentine's Day, Easter and Teacher Appreciation weekend!


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