
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

UpCycled Paint Pad!

My daughter LOVES to paint.  Ever since we took the kids to Bass Pro two years ago to paint bird houses, my daughter is constantly asking for new material to paint!  Today she is helping me paint the #4 that will appear at her party this weekend (Yep...I am planning ANOTHER birthday already!).  I thought I would share with you all what she is painting on!  A few years back, we had a HUGE table that sat 8 people.  I wanted this table so bad because we have 6 and where were our guests to eat if they were to be over...however, I swiftly learned that our tiny home did not go with this oversized table and we sold it opting for a 6 seat table and some coach sitting when there are guest over.  When I owned the table I had placemats (the thing was NOT cheap so I did whatever I could to protect it).  After the table left, I still had to the place mats.  I do not use them on the current table because I have fallen out of love with their design.  

One day, I had decided to throw them out...but as I walked to the dumpster....I had a better idea!  These mats are now our paint pads!  They get used ALL the time!  From a service to safely paint on, to a board to put under paper when using sharpie markers, these mats have gone far beyond their $2 cost!  

 Here is a list of things that we use these old place mats for! (now, to ensure the point is clear....these mats are made of a flexible but thick plastic...they are floppy and pretty durable.)

~Sharpie Designs
~Straight Edge Cutting
~Playdoh Play
~Building Blocks (on the carpet)

I originally bought these at Walmart in the Kitchen Department for $2 a piece....and I am every so glad that I did!


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