
Monday, February 25, 2013


Yep!  You read that right!  Dangerous things are going to happen now that I have this BAD ASS waffle maker!  This morning the kids were hungry for something more than cold cereal but we were tight on time.

So....a plan was hatched, cinnamon rolls....cooked in the waffle iron!  Cook time is cut so far down, I was surprised at the swiftness of their browning!

How did I do it you ask?  Well, pretty simple!  I opened a tube of Pillsbury Cinnamon rolls (because there are no other type to buy!).  I placed a cinnamon roll on each of the four sections of my waffle iron.

I had to put a little muscle into closing the lid...but since this is a flip iron, it was not as difficult as I thought it was going to be.  Watch it carefully, these will be VERY easy to burn!

They do stick to the top half (my guess is going to be because of the cinnamon right there on the top).  I took a pair of tongs and pull them off.

I then iced them and served them!  The kids loved it, I was able to save a TON of time, it was a total win-win in this house!

~Happy Eating!

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

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