
Monday, February 18, 2013

My 28th Birthday!!

As I get closer and closer to the 30 mark, things start to get more and more real!  I have FOUR kids!!!   The oldest is almost 11!!!!  I don't own a house, yet! I haven't finished my degree (mainly because I want like 100 different degrees...ugh!)  I have so many things I want to do in life...things I keep putting off...things that I will no longer put off!

Enough of the "I'm getting old, poor me" bit!  Here's some photos of the family taken at "birthday party" at my parents house!  My DAD cooked us dinner (pretty awesome if you ask me!)!

Apparently, my future husband knows his way around a sewing machine or what we will be getting???  That's right!!  I'm gonna start making my daughter and I some cute clothes that don't cost an arm and a leg!

~Happy Day!

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