
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Raising Champions!

My sons have been playing sports since the day there were allowed to sign up!  They have played football since Kindergarten, dabbled in Baseball and have just wrapped up their 2nd year of Wrestling.  They have expressed an interest in learning how to box (which starts soon!).  Today was their last tournament of the season (due to winter was also their first!).  Juggling their practice schedules and games, keeping track of their equipment, and knowing when to high five and console, is not a task for the weak at heart!
Parenting is hard enough as it is.....but parenting an athlete is ten times harder!  There are so many other lessons that have to be taught, like finding the right timing to teach being a good friend gets mixed up with teaching them to aggressive and fight for what they want!  There are many fine lines in parenting an athlete....I see them get crossed every day.  I wonder after every game or tournament if I, as a parent, crossed any of those lines.  It's one of those "did I just screw up my kid" worries every good parent has!
I count myself lucky to have kids that enjoy sports and learning new things.  To see the joy in their faces when they accomplish something they first thought to be out of's priceless.
It's these moments right here that make all of the hard things in parenting....completely worth it!
I love these boys!!  They are true champions and I am proud to be the one raising them!  Baseball season is just around the corner and I can not wait to see what they accomplish this spring and summer!!

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