
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Spending Valentine's at Home!

Last year, we were able to go out with our parents to a very expensive restaurant ($100 a person...WTF!) and we had my little step-sister watch the kids.  This year...she's all grown up and has a big girl a restaurant, AppleBee's no less, and she will be working! UGH!!!!  My free sitter has finally grown up (and she is my youngest sibling...this pretty much sucks!).

So, with our back-up, we pay them, sitters all having hot teenage dates this Thursday, we have been left to improvise!

Step 1: BUY A BUNCH OF STUFF OFF OF ADAM AND EVE! No, really, we did!  I don't know that we will be able to actually use it that night...but it came yesterday and a girl sure can dream!

Step 2: Plan a dinner....that kids will like too!  I am still debating, but I plan to share what I have found and what I might use!

Step 3: Find an activity!  We have a brand new theater in town (actually right across the street from our neighborhood).  We are going there!  My kids have never been, it's SUPER nice and SUPER affordable! But I will share some other potential ideas.

Step 4: Exchange gifts!  I have three boys and one girl.  It is vitally important to me to properly show them how to celebrate Valentine's Day.  I take every opportunity to do that.  So, I will be finding them affordable gifts that strict their interests (Football cards, Monster Trucks, Angry Bird dudes, Princess stuff).

Step 5: Bedtime!

Dinner Ideas!
Hoosier Homemade has TONS of ideas for every meal!  From heart shaped dinner and snack items to traditional dinner meals for more grown up tastes.  Chances are VERY high that at least one thing on this blog will make it to my dinner table!  My favorite item is a "Pocket" sandwich shaped like a heart!  I have been trying several different pocket entrees and any one of those could work with that!

Activity Ideas
Trip to the movies
Mini Golf
Watch a movie at Home
Family Board Game Night

This is going to be an interesting Valentine's Day.  It may be the start to a new tradition in this house!  Who knows! I do know one thing....I have waited until the last minute to do much this year...and I am feeling like a chicken with my head cut off!  Here's to hoping that next month...with both St. Patrick's Day and Easter this year will be a much better hit!


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