
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Candy Coated Pretzels!

In preparation for the holiday, the oldest son and I set out to make some treats for our family dinner.   This was something I intended to make for St. Patrick's Day, but the bag of pretzels I bought for it were mysteriously eaten by unknown persons in my home!

I bought Wilson's meltable candies in light pink and light yellow, Easter colored sprinkles, and big bag of pretzels (that I hid for four days to ensure they survived!).

I melted the candies in the microwave (a layer of circles takes about 1.5 minutes in my microwave).  We then plopped a pretzel in the melted candy, flipped it using a toothpick, and removed it from the melted bowl and placed it on wax paper.

We then sprinkles some sprinkles on them and let them harden.

The outcome was pretty decent and I gotta 10 year is quite handy in the kitchen!

~Happy Baking!
Linked at the NEW TheGirlCreative Link Party! Check it out HERE!
I Heart Nap Time
Sweet and Savoury Sunday


  1. these look so cute I'd love for you to link them up at a link party I'm hosting :D

  2. I love a good link party! I'm totally there! :))

  3. Very cute! Thanks for sharing. Stopping by from I Heart Nap Time :)

  4. Thanks Andrea! Means a lot! :)
