
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Baseball Shelf!

My favorite part of spring....BASEBALL!  I love that my boys play and I love displaying what they do!  I have a section for each sport in my house where I show off their trophies, pictures and favorite teams!

I bought a white cubbie-hole type shelf to put in my entryway.  It sits under neath some Royals/2012 All Star hangings we got last summer and displays my boys' autographed baseball, their own all-star stuff, and displays my favorite picture of the three of them.

I bought a couple of red drawers to house their hats and mittens for winter wear as well as their extra school supplies for homework assignments.  The other four holes currently house their "good" shoes....that is changing and whole other blog post!

I have been feeling like the shelf is too plain and was in need of some dressing up!

I dug out my red paint and a thin paint brush....and decided to change that.

Since this shelf sits with my baseball display decor...I decided to turn my shelf into one big baseball :))

What do you think?

~Happy Decorating!


  1. Your shelf turned out great! I have been doing a lot of baseball themed projects lately for an upcoming baby shower, you can check them out at

    1. Awesome!! I need some ideas for end of season parties in June! I love crafting around the kids' sports! A baseball baby shower would be too much fun (if there was ever such a thing!)

  2. That's such a creative idea! My boys would love it if I did something like this.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment yesterday.

    Angela @ A Typical English Home
