
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ending the Elementary Years~Round One...I mean, Kid One!

So, my oldest son finished his elementary years today.  It was emotional to the say the least.  I was already having an emotional day, remembering my life 10 years ago as I graduated high school myself and said goodbye to my father as he passed on to the next world.

My oldest boy as come a long way in six years.  He started Kindergarten with a broken arm and football season he couldn't play.  He was dealing with a fresh move from Lebanon, Mo to three hours north so we could live in the same town as my parents.

His circle of friends has changed throughout the years as he has gone to three elementary schools within the same district.  Three years at one, not quite a full year at another and two point two five at the final school.

He has blossomed into one heck of a kid, he's a great big brother.  He gives his siblings an even dose of a loving and caring brother as well as a tormentor and pain.  He is protective over them, a great teacher, and an excellent example.  He has been known to wow other parents with his manners and mild tempered attitude.  He is funny (no really....this kid is hilarious!), he looks like his moma, and doesn't for one second let anything stop him from attaining his goals.

He played a baseball game tonight where two of teammates shared his 5th grade teacher.  Every hit, every out and every awesome play they dedicated to her hard work and love for them during their final year.  After the game my boy got teary eyed as the realization that "childhood" is over and "pre-teen" life is upon him.  He wants to stay in 5th grade (forever he says) so that he can keep this past year of good memories alive!

I love this boy!!

Here are a few pictures of my "not-so baby anymore" boy!

First Year of Teeball (2007)

Current Year (12U 2013)
First Year of Football (1st Grade 2008)

5th Grade Tackle Football (2012)

It's so hard to believe how fast he has grown!  I love him and I am so thankful God chose me to be his mother!  It's a privilege I hold very dear to my heart!
(Easter 2009)
Last Day with his Teacher!

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