
Monday, May 20, 2013

Moma's Pasta Salad!

I have always loved pasta salad...especially with a good BBQ meal.  My children, however, have never liked it!  After a series of BBQ's with friends last summer, I finally found a pasta salad combo that my kids love....and ask for seconds!

Here the ingredients I use:
a box of tri-color noodles
a bottle (regular size) of HyVee Light Italian Dressing
A small can of black olives
a bag of Chunk Cheese
two handfuls of Hormel Mini Pepporonis

I boil the noodles as directed and drain them.  Once drained, I put them in a plastic bowl that has a lid.  I then add the handfuls of pepperoni and the can of black olives.  I mix this up pretty well.  Then I add the bottle of Italian Dressing and mix again.  Once that is all mixed well, I put the bowl in the freezer to cool it.  The idea is to get the temperature down enough that that the heat will not melt the cheese chunks.

Once the pasta is cooled and the cheese is added, the pasta salad is ready to eat.

Here is a list of ingredients you can add if you can get your kiddos to eat it:

Chopped celery
sliced carrots
Green olives
Diced Cucumbers

~Happy Summer Cookin'


  1. I can't wait to try this pasta salad!! Thanks :)

    1. You'll have to let me know how the family likes it! It doesn't last long around here!

  2. I love pasta salad. I would love for you to share at my Tried and True party! I found you from the Marvelous Monday party!

    1. I would love to! Thanks for the invite!

