
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Menu Planning!

~For the Home Notebook!

Several months ago, I made a Pinterest inspired dinner menu board.  The of the menu board was to allow me to plan meat thaws and crazy evenings ahead of time.  It also eliminated the "what's for dinner?" question from being asked 100 times a day.  I absolutely adore it!

Two months ago, I started making a home notebook, to keep my otherwise crazy life seem a lot less crazy!  I thought that it would be easy....but, like everything else in my's NOT!  I am very picky and have certain needs of a home notebook that others just seem not to.  There are a LOT of great free printables (there will be a post on these in the future) but only a few actually worked for my specific needs.  That has left me making my own!

Because making my own has taken much longer than I realized, I decided to post on them a section at a time until this project is completed.  I will bring it all together and post links to this post and others like it when I do.

Here is Installment ONE!  Menu Planning!

I always start my shopping list with my dinner menu.  I sit down, create my menu and then make a small shopping list of the items I need to complete all seven dinners.

Dinner Menu Shopping List

Download the Dinner Menu HERE!

I then pull out my shopping list and make a list of items I need for breakfast, lunch, snacks and other household items (like baggies, dish soap, etc) since I shop for all of these things at the same time

Shopping List

Download the Shopping List HERE!

I take both sheets with me to the store to make sure I get everything I need for the next week.

Both of these forms call home in my menu planning tab in my notebook!  Look for the next installment "Kid's Info Pages" within the next week!

~Happy Planning!
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
The Girl Creative button


  1. Love this! I do something similar...but a lot less organized. Thanks :)

  2. Your welcome! I feel a little less stressed about shopping with these in my hand!
