
Friday, January 3, 2014

52 Week Savings Challenge!

The fiancé and I have been seeing this concept all over the place since 2013 started.  In November, we decided that we were going to do it when 2014 started.  We want to get married and since neither of our first marriages were the result of a wedding, we would like to have one.  That will only come with money, money that is saved, not spent ;).  

It's also a fantastic way to jump start a dependence that saving is a "bill" and that is exactly how we plan to treat it.

We are going to use cash jars for our first eliminate the temptation to transfer it from the savings account to the bank account.

Once a month, I will post a progress report on how we doing, things that may have tempted us to dip into it, and how our plans for that money evolve throughout the year.

Today is the first paycheck of the this is "Week 1" for us!

If you are curious as to what this challenge are the details!!!

52 week Money Challenge:
For each week of the year place $1 times the number week into a savings jar or account.

Week 1= $1
Week 2 = $2
On the last week, when you deposit $52 dollars, you will have saved a total of $1,378!!!

We will be using a check list...just to make sure we actually remember to put the money in!  Here is a copy if you would like to use it!  Click here!

~Happy savings!!


  1. Ryan and I are trying this also this year but for different reasons. I am going back to school for my bachelors degree and hopefully this time next year I will be doing my student teaching. Which will have me not working for about 3 to 4 months, so we're hoping that this will help relieve some of the pressure of me not working. Good luck and cant for you to get married. Love you all and miss you all.

    1. You will have to keep me updated on how you guys are doing with it. I am worried that we will dip into it if Jason falls into a slow week (with his line of happens more often then I want to).

  2. We are SO doing this again!!! Thanks for posting!
