
Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year!

Midwest Moma is getting a facelift!!  I have spent the last several months trying to juggle a crazy schedule with my kiddos, online schooling, school parties, and trying to start and grow a business with my mom!  My poor blog has taken such a crazy hit....and I can't even explain how crappy that makes me feel!  Online schooling is now done (no I didn't graduate....just changing gears and taking a break until August!).

January has a lot coming your way!  I have planned my first baby shower in the history of ever for one of my football/baseball mommy friends.  That is happening this weekend!!!  Son number 2 is turning 10!!!!  That is just craziness.  My only daughter will be 5!  That's TWO major milestone ages in one month and the emotions surrounding them MUST be shared!  I will also be sharing my ADD story with my oldest son.  Plus so much more! 

I can't wait to get started on this new year with all of you!  I hope that you forgive me for being so absent these past six months!

Bring it on 2014!!!

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