With my youngest child about to turn 5, I was ubberly excited to be able to plan this shower! My friend Kasey is special one! The mother of three boys, starting her family at the same age I did was defying odds that day at baseball practice when she announced her fourth pregnancy. Her oldest the same age as my youngest son, was followed by two crazy little boys ages 3 and 2. What makes pregnancy number 4 so special....Kasey had her tubes tied after her third son was born. Although all the sports mommies were secretly wishing for her to have girl, we are all very excited to meet Kasey's fourth little boy, Brady!
She's probably going to kill me over this photo...but that's okay ;) It is hands down my favorite!
Okay, on to the shower details!!! It was so much fun to buy for baby again!
I fell in love with this blue zebra and leopard print design! I found it at Party City but I am sure it can be found other places.
Here is a list of the designed items I bought
Dinner Plates
Dessert Plates
Dessert Napkins
Table Cloth
Dangle decor Set
Table Top decor Set
Here are couple close ups on my cupcakes:
I bought the zebra cupcake sleeves at Hobby Lobby. The pack of 24 were $2.99 The puff toppers and letter toppers I made.
Here are the details:
To make the puff toppers you will need the following:
Craft Pom Poms
You simply stick the toothpick in the pom pom puff balls.
The letters and banners required a little more time and work.
I used my Opposites Attract Cricut Font to cut the letters out at 2.5 inch settings. I used the "opposite" font coupled with the "opposite shadow". The banners that read "Here Comes" are the same lettering but placed on a Cricut Pennant cut. I cut out the Pennant at 2.5 inches and then cut it in half to make the banners. I glued each pennant to a ribbon and attached the ribbon to lollipop sticks. "Brady" is attached to toothpicks.
This is a concept I first saw on Pinterest, yet I am not sure who, what, or where. It was an idea from another type of Safari Shower. I added lollipop sticks (some with ribbon bows).

I had originally planned to do dipped marshmellows and strawberries, but while we were setting up, Mommy dug out her fondue pot that had never been used...so we put that bad boy to use and made a small Fondue Bar <3 p="">3>
The puppy chow you see pictured was meant for popcorn bags I bought...however, I forgot to fill them! Oops!
Party Favors consisted of a small Candy Bar
I got Hersey's Kisses at Micheals that have tags that say "It's a Boy", are which just too flipping cute! I also found light blue Sixlets at Hobby Lobby. Both the Kisses and Sixlets were $5 a bag. There are two bags of Kisses and one bag of Sixlets. The bowls the kisses and sixlets are in came from Party City and were just $1.99 each. The M&Ms are the by the pound kind I bought at my local HyVee. These are little pricy but HyVee had the better price on them. They were $9.99 a lb (compared to $7.99 per 8 oz at Party City and other places). I bought 3.5 pounds between the four colors.
Baby Shower Games
The Price Is Right was fun double whammy for me! It was one part gift for baby and one part game! The concept of this game is to guess the cost of each item to get a grand total that is as close to the correct amount without going over.
I printed off sheets I found on Pinterest. You can find a ton of options, some with pre-made lists and other, like the one I printed, that are blank for you to fill in yourself.
I bought a book of sheets for an "A to Z" game. This game is really fun. You get a timed amount of time to write down a word, phrase, or baby brand that match each letter of alphabet. At the end of the time given (we did two minutes), you read aloud the answers you have. If more than one person wrote down what you have written down, you scratch that word out. The person with the most answers that are unique wins! The book was $2.99 but you could easily make your own if you wanted to.
Baby Trivia was fun. Another Pinterest print out, this game was used to break the ice as not everyone at the shower knew each other. Very few people got these questions right, it was a fun time!
Here is a
link to the trivia game I used.
"What was Mommy Wearing" was yet another Pinterest inspired game. This game was rigged for Mommy to win. You play this game by having Mommy leave the room unannounced, pass out the sheets and guest have to answer questions about what Mommy was wearing. These questions included was Mommy wearing a necklace, were her nails painted, etc. Since Mommy knows all the answers, she wins ;)
I made this printable myself :)
I am betting that you have been trying to figure out those golden bottles. No, they are not decor pieces. They were the prizes!
These were hands down my favorite part of this entire shower! I bought cheap, $1 bottles and glued them to a wood piece I found at Hobby Lobby. I then spray painted them Gold!! They were a huge hit (despite the slight running and some digs in the car ride to the party).
My gift to Mommy!
I have been there, done that with a fourth pregnancy that blind sided you. My daughter was born with a failed vasectomy Three and half years after my third son. Getting prepared for baby in this circumstance requires a lot more then the items needed to care for baby.
I got Mommy a Hospital Care Package. It included soap, shampoo, a lufa, toothbrush and paste, a cute notebook, lotion, and other neat little things that get forgotten in the rush to welcome baby into the world! All of these items were forgotten when I went for my planned inducement!
I also made her a photo prop for when baby gets here. It is a piece of wood bought at Hobby Lobby. I spray painted it blue and then used a chevron stencil to add grey chevron stripes to it.
I used my cutting machine to cut out "Brady" in vinyl and add it to personalize the prop.
I can't wait until this baby comes so that he can spoiled by all the mommies! Kasey's oldest son plays sports with my youngest and we spend 9 months out the year together at practices, games and tournaments. This baby is going to be SPOILED by all of us!